.. _ids: Intrusion Detection System ========================== The `Wazuh `_ Intrusion Detection System watches over all hosts and will report problems to the `ids@example.com` mail address. The wazuh API user and password must be created to allow the agents to register on the server. For instance: .. code:: $ cat ~/.enough/example.com/group_vars/all/wazuh.yml --- wazuh_mailto: contact@enough.community wazuh_email_from: contact@enough.community wazuh_api_username: apiuser wazuh_api_password: .S3cur3Pa75w0rd-# .. note:: The password must obey the `wazuh requirements `__ to be valid. The command line `apg -n 1 -M SNCL -m 8 -x 16` will generate a suitable password. The service is created on the host specified by the `--host` argument: .. code:: $ enough --domain example.com service create --host wazuh-host wazuh