Extending enough.community

After getting started, you may want to add some host/service in enough.community infrastructure.


The enough.community infrastructure is developed and deployed using ansible. The main playbook is enough-community-playbook.yml.

Each playbook (for instance playbooks/weblate/weblate-playbook.yml) is a scenario, i.e. a set of hosts and a test playbook to get a minimal infrastructure setup allowing to validate the service playbook. As an example, the weblate scenario found in playbooks/weblate/ defines the following hosts:

  • a postfix master
  • a bind server
  • an icinga server
  • the weblate host

With these, the weblate scenario is able to test the weblate deployment, its monitoring, its ability to send emails, etc.

Some generally useful playbooks are grouped in the misc scenario.

The presence of a bind-host in most scenarios allows to spoof all records from enough.community domain during the tests (and could spoof any other domain). This disallow external requests like e.g. ACME challenge for TLS Certificates. To overcome this limitation, the domain of the scenario is defined in a one-time testing subdomain when a bind-host is used by the scenario and the variable letsencrypt_staging has been defined (meaning that we should use the “fake Let’s Encrypt unlimited testing infrastructure”).

The preprod scenario aggregates all enough.community playbooks and should be used to very they fit together as expected.

Adding a scenario

Let’s start with a dummy scenario.

Copying from an existing scenario

It is recommended to copy an existing scenario that ressembles the one to be created.

cp -a playbooks/website playbooks/dummy

Add dummy on the same line as weblate in tox.ini

Scenario definition

Edit playbooks/dummy/conftest.py to:

  • update the list of hosts
  • update the name of the new scenario

Adding playbooks

The playbook is playbooks/dummy/playbook.yml. It should include all playbooks used for the scenario, i.e.:

  • others scenarios playbooks, like playbooks/icinga/icinga-playbook.yml or playbooks/postfix/postfix-playbook.yml
  • the playbook specific to this scenario, here playbooks/icinga/dummy-playbook.yml. This playbook may include other playbooks.
  • tests specific playbooks, starting with test, e.g. playbooks/icinga/test-dummy-playbook.yml.

Once the playbooks are added to run them with:

  • tox -e weblate

Adding tests

The purpose of the tests is mainly to detect that Ansible has deployed a functional service. See them as functionnal and non-regression testing to maintaining our Ansible base.

testinfra is used for this purpose. The easiest way to get started with it is to look at some existing tests. For simple testing see playbooks/bind/tests/test_external_bind.py. For a request based test, see e.g. playbooks/weblate/tests/test_icingaweb.py.

Since the tests run with virtual machines provisionned exclusively for the test, you can do whatever you want (i.e. even some destructive action).

Testing is not monitoring. You are kindly invited to setup monitoring for your services and to test via testinfra that monitoring has been setup as you wish.

Interaction with others scenarios

Most services rely on DNS, emails and monitoring. To enable them you have to add the corresponding hosts in your scenario and include their playbook in your scenario’s playbook.

You will also be interested by:

  • playbooks/misc/sexy-debian-playbook.yml for getting usefull tools,
  • playbooks/authorized_keys/authorized-keys-playbook.yml for installing ssh keys,
  • playbooks/misc/commit_etc-playbook.yml for committing changes to /etc/ at the end of your playbook.


You are kindly invited to document your scenario in the docs directory where this documentation lives.